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  DR-2X Dual Repeater Setup
Geschrieben von: HB9HDI - 23.04.2019, 08:00 - Forum: DR2x - Keine Antworten

Text von John Kruk

Yaesu DR-2X Dual Repeater Setup 
Some have stated or made comments that the DR-2X dual repeater set-up is not possible or does not work. This is not correct and I have even demonstrated it in person to some groups/clubs lately. Let me take the time to cover this a little bit more with some details and examples.
You have three main components that need to be determined in order to set this up and do it correctly:
1) What bands -AND- modes are you going to be using? Remember you can do analog & analog -or- digital & analog but not digital & digital. Also if you are doing the same band for both repeaters you might need some significant filtering depending on frequency.
2) What repeater pair is going to be the analog only one? This is going to be needed for proper repeater set-up and usage.
3) What radio you are going to be using for the analog side of the repeater? The interface into the radio can have a severe impact on the crossover audio quality. 
Therefore, in this case I will use an example of the following repeater set-up with the following frequencies (written as programmed into the repeater):
VHF Rx: 147.6000 DG-ID 00 Tx: 147.0000 DG-ID 00 Digital only
UHF Rx: 449.0000 110.9 Hz Tx: 444.0000 110.9 Hz Analog only
This is how you will need to set-up the DR-2X on the A & B channels:
A Rx: 147.6000 DG-ID 00 Tx: 147.0000 DG-ID 00 Digital only
B Rx: 449.0000 110.9 Hz Tx: 147.0000 DG-ID 00 Digital only ***Output to Antenna Port A***
Next, you will need to interface your additional radio (transmitter for the B side) into the repeater. This is going to require the usage of the DB-15 connector on the back of the DR-2X. This will utilize three pins off of the DB-15 in which one will be for a COR sense (active Lo), audio out, and ground which will go into the PTT, audio in, and ground on the transmitter radio.
DB-15 Pin # and functions:
# 3 – CTCSS/DCS (PKSQL) = When the correct tone signaling is detected this pin will go active LO (0 volts) and can cause a radio to key-up if the PTT needs to go to ground.
# 5 – Ground = Connected to ground or the mic lo/ground on the B channel radio transmitter.
# 9 – AF OUT = gives analog -AND- digital recovered audio output from the DR-2X which will feed the audio in on the B channel radio transmitter.
So to follow a signal coming into the DR-2X:
A channel RF signal comes in on 147.6000 DG-ID 00 -> goes out on Antenna Port A via RF 147.0000 DG-ID 00 digital. Simultaneously, that is also coming out the DB-15 and then keys up the B channel external transmitter.
B channel RF signal comes in on 449.0000 110.9 Hz -> goes out on Antenna Port A via RF 147.0000 DG-ID 00 digital. Simultaneously, that is also coming out the DB-15 and then keys up the B channel external transmitter.
The repeaters does the transcoding inside the repeater between analog and digital signals as the DB-15 can ONLY put out an analog only audio stream. I think some do not either have it set-up correctly OR think that they can send a digital data signal out to an external radio. This latter part is NOT possible due to the Fusion protocol that is why I stated above that you can only have digital & analog or analog & analog. Also that is why you need to determine which repeater will be analog and set that up on the B channel of the repeater. 
***It is VERY important to remember that these repeaters will be linked 100% of the time and that the repeaters CANNOT act independently of one another. Also even if you have disabled the repeater the B channel radio will still transmit when a signal is received.
I hope this clears up some questions on set-up and implementation issues that people are having in this case. I never did say it could be digital & digital in this set-up and have told people that it is at most digital & analog.

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Geschrieben von: DB5SV - 11.04.2019, 17:10 - Forum: Vorstellung neuer Nutzer - Antworten (1)

Hallo OMs,

Anfang 2017 entschied ich mich für das Modell FT-2DE. Über DB0SKF bzw. DB0PLH konnte ich mich auch mit dem Raum DO0OKO, mit Crosslink zur BM TG Baden Württemberg, verbinden. Diesen Crosslink nahm ich als Vorlage, ein Relais mit einem Crosslink zur BM TG Neckaralb aufzubauen.
Seit März 2018 ist nun das Relais DB0SV, DR-2XE mit HRI-200 und dem Raum DL-Neckaralb #44520, in Betrieb.

Nun ist es mir wichtig hier im Forum Erfahrungen auszutauschen.

73, Stephan DB5SV

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